Lizzie, are you out of your senses?
I thought you hated the man.
- No, Papa.
- He is rich, to be sure.
And you will have
more fine carriages than Jane.
But will that make you happy?
Have you no other objection
than your belief in my indifference?
None at all.
We all know him to be
a proud, unpleasant sort of fellow.
But this would be nothing
if you liked him.
I do like him.
I love him.
He's not proud. I was wrong.
I was entirely wrong about him.
You don't know him, Papa.
If I told you what he was really like,
what he's done...
What has he done?
But she doesn't like him.
I thought she didn't like him.
So did I. So did we all.
We must have been wrong.
- It won't be the first time, will it?
- No, nor the last, I dare say.
Good Lord.
- I must pay him back.
- No.
You mustn't tell anyone.
He wouldn't want it.
We misjudged him, Papa.
Me more than anyone. In every way.
Not just in this matter.
I've been nonsensical.
But he's been a fool about Jane,
about so many other things.
But then, so have I.
You see, he and I are...