##[music playing]
It's locked.
The door. It won't open.
So, does this
happen to you a lot?
Actually, not often enough.
So what are we gonna do?
Wait till somebody comes out.
Thank you.
So, how long
have you guys been dating?
Couple of weeks.
We're not dating.
Okay. Next question.
I mean, we only went out twice
before this.
Do you consider that dating?
I guess I did.
I'm sorry.
I mean, to me,
dating sounds more serious.
Like you've already been
going out for
a couple of months, like...
Maybe you don't
live together...
but you definitely stay over
a couple of nights a week.
You don't worry about
who paid for
the last meal anymore.
You've seen each other pee,
you know?
More serious kind of stuff.
Then what do you call this?
Well, that's it.
There are officially
no cute boys left here.
All right.
It's so nice to get out.
It was nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Dave. Very nice to see you.
Good night.
Bye. Nice to meet you.