I really like her.
She's only been gone two days,
she comes back tomorrow.
I miss her already.
I never felt this before.
It's just 'cause
you haven't
slept with her yet.
No, that's definitely
not it.
I really like her, man.
I don't know, I mean...
I think I could love her.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait, what was I saying?
I don't know, man. There is
something about this girl...
Like, you know that feeling
that you get...
when you're in a room
with someone...
and even though
you may not know them...
or understand them
you just know
that you're in
the presence of greatness?
You know?
Like when you come
to my apartment.
And she old, man,
she a time-fighter.
She's so fine, bro.
I don't know.
I just feel
like it's gonna end badly,
I do.
You sound like my mother.
Hey, Morris! All right!
What the hell
am I listening to you for?
I'm in a bakery
shopping for a pie...
so you can put it
in some girl's face...
who wouldn't let you
get down her pants.
When was the cream pie made?
Nice. I'll take that one.
So what's with Dave?
Is he really serious
about this girl, or what?
I don't know.
So what is she?
Catholic? Episcopalian?
I didn't ask.
Would you prefer
one denomination
over another...
as far as
the love of Christ goes?
Your father's gonna flip.
And it's too bad
your mom isn't
around for this.
It would have gone over
real big with her, too.
So, what are we gonna do?
[Clears throat]
I don't know.