Do you think
I should just cut it off
right now?
I'm not going to answer that.
Look, I don't want you
to get...
the wrong idea
about my family.
Sensitive subject?
All right, look.
I've been having trouble
with my mom concerning you.
Concerning me?
It's just... I wanted her
to meet you and she said no.
That's sweet,
but don't you think...
it's a little early
to be introducing me
to your mother?
She said no? Why?
Look, she has a problem
with you not being Jewish.
She won't meet me?
Why do you think I'm so upset?
We're not even
speaking right now.
Well, I don't understand.
I thought you said
she was a therapist.
I know.
How do you think I feel?
Didn't she meet
the black girl you dated?
No way.
No, my mother doesn't even
know about that.
That was my bubi.
My dad's mom.
David, love.
Hey, bubi.
I wanted you to meet
my girlfriend, Radjina.
Radjina, this is my bubi.
Is she black?
It's really not
that funny, okay?
My bubi died
three weeks later.
And I know
she didn't tell anybody
about Radjina...
but her reaction
and her subsequent death...
let me know it might be
a good idea to
keep that one quiet.
I swear, I think
she went in
the house after that...
and just hit herself
over the head
with the frying pan.
I mean, that's the image I get
whenever I'm doing
something wrong.