
To tell you the truth,
I didn't even think
you'd want me here.

Don't be

This is your home.
We're your family.

Even if you
did bring home Jay-D.

It's Jay-Z, Mom.
Jay-B, Jay-D...

I have a patient coming,
so be careful when you leave.

Oh, I'm so sorry
to keep you waiting.

Did I knock?
Am I late?

I feel like
I'm late.

But no.

Sit, sit, sit.

What is that?
A gun?

No, it's a yoga mat.
[Clears throat]
He's moving in with me.

I thought you said...
Weren't you just saying...

that he couldn't provide you
with the things
that you needed?

I'm still unsure.
But I think
I should just give it a shot.

I mean, you always say,
"Just get messy in life.

"At least you know
you're living." Right?

Besides, if he can't give me
what I need...

then I'll find out sooner
if he's living with me.

And he has nowhere to go.
He said that?

His best friend
has a studio.

He's not getting along with
his mother,
so he can't go home.

She hates me, by the way.
Did I tell you that?

No. You hadn't mentioned it.
Yes, it's this
whole other thing...

that I'm trying
not to even think about.

They say the children
of psychoanalysts...

are the most
screwed up of all.

Yes, I had heard that.
So he's moving in.
I think it'll be fun.
That's what you said
to do with this, right?
