You know, when... you got sick,
- 26, 27, Is that what you're worried about?
- I've thought about it,
Just because I went bughouse doesn't
mean you will, It's not strictly hereditary,
Listen to me, Life changes fast in your 20s,
and it shakes you up,
You're down, you've had a lousy couple of
years, No one knows that better than me,
- You're gonna be OK,
- I am?
Yes, I promise you,
The simple fact that we can
talk about this together is a good sign,
- A good sign?
- Yeah,
How could it be a good sign?
Because crazy people don't sit around
wondering if they're nuts,
- They don't?
- No, They've got better things to do,
Take it from me,
A very good sign that you're crazy is an
inability to ask the question, "Am I crazy?"
Even if the answer is yes?
Crazy people don't ask, you see?
What do you say? Let's call it a night,
You can go up and get some sleep,
- Then in the morning...
- Wait,
- What's the matter?
- It doesn't make sense,
- Sure it does,
- No,
- Where's the problem?
- The problem is...
- You are crazy,
- So?
So you said a crazy person
would never admit that,
Ah, I see,
- It's a point,
- So how can you admit it?
Well, because...
I'm also dead,
Aren't I?
- You died a week ago,
- Aneurysm, 63 years old,
The funeral's tomorrow,