
- Did I... Did I hurt you?
- No, It's OK,

Mr., Dobbs, you gonna stand there forever?
This is my daughter Catherine,
- Hi,
- Hi,

Mr., Dobbs is in our infinite program,
As he approaches completion
of his dissertation,

time approaches infinity,
- Catherine?
- What?

I'm sorry, I just wanted to say
I'm done for the night,

- Champagne, huh?
- Yes,

- Celebrating?
- Do you want some?

- Sure,
- I'm done, You can take the rest with you,

Oh, Um...
- No, thanks,
- Take it, I'm done,

No, I'm driving, Um...
- I'll let myself out,
- Good,

- When should I come back?
- Come back?

Yeah, I'm no way near finished,
Maybe tomorrow?

We have a funeral tomorrow,
You're right, I'm sorry,
I was going to attend, if that's all right,

What about Sunday?
Will you be around?

You've had three days,
I know you don't need
anybody in your hair,

but someone's got
to go through your dad's stuff,

- There's nothing up there,
- There are 103 notebooks,

He was a graphomaniac, Harold,
Do you know what that is?

He wrote compulsively,
Call me Hal,

It's like a monkey at a typewriter,
103 notebooks full of bullshit,

I'm prepared to look at every page,
Are you?

I'm not crazy,
Well, I'm gonna be late,
Some friends of mine are in this band,
They're playing in a bar on Diversey,
way down the bill, around 2:30,

- I said I'd be there,
- Great,

They're all in the math department,
They're good,

They have this song called "i,"
You'd like it, Lowercase i,

They just stand there,
They don't play anything for three minutes,

Imaginary number?
It's a math joke,
You see why they're way down the bill,
