
- They said you seemed disturbed,
- They were trying to search my house!

- You called them,
- Yes,

But I didn't actually want them to come,
So why did you call?
Because I was trying
to get this guy out of the house,

- What is this man's name?
- Hal,

Harold, Harold Dobbs,
Because the police said
that you were the only person there,

- Because he left before they got there,
- With the notebooks?

No, Claire, don't be stupid,
There are over a hundred notebooks,

He was only stealing one,
But he was stealing it to give it back to me,

So I let him go so he could play with his
band on the north side, What about this?

- His band?
- He was late,

He wanted me to come with him,
I was like, "Yeah, right,"

Is Harold Dobbs your boyfriend?
- Are you sleeping with him?
- Ew!

No, He's a math geek,
And he's in a band?
A rock band?

No, A marching band,
He plays trombone,

Yes, A rock band,
- What is the name of this band?
- How should I know?

Harold Dobbs didn't tell you
the name of his rock band?

Well, is Harold Dobbs...?
- Stop saying "Harold Dobbs,"
- Is this person...?

- Harold Dobbs exists,
- I'm sure he does,

He's a mathematician at
the University of Chicago,

Call the freaking math department,
Mitch has become
an excellent cook, It's like his hobby now,

He buys all these gadgets:
Garlic press, olive oil sprayer,
Every night there's something new,
The other day he made vegetarian chili,
What are you talking about?
Stay with us for a while,
I'm OK here,
Chicago is dead,
New York is so much more fun,

Well, the fun thing is not really
where my head's at at the moment,
