
I'm not on the program,
I can't believe how many people are here,
I never knew he had this many friends,

Where have you all been
for the last five years?

I guess to you guys
he was already dead, right?

I mean, what's a great man
without his greatness?

Just some old guy,
So you probably wanna catch up
on what you missed out on,

He used to read all day,
He kept demanding more and more books,

I was getting them out of the library
by the carload, There were hundreds,

And then one day I realized
he wasn't reading,

He believed aliens
were sending him messages

through the Dewey decimal numbers
in the books,

He was trying to work out the code,
He used to shuffle around in his slippers,
He talked to himself,
He stank,
I had to make sure he bathed,
which was embarrassing,

Then he started writing
19, 20 hours a day,

I got him this huge case of notebooks,
He used every one,

I dropped out of school,
You see, he was convinced that...
he was writing the most beautiful,
elegant proofs,

Proofs like music,
