He should've been in a full-time
professional care situation,
He didn't belong in the nuthouse,
- He might have been better off,
- He needed to be here in his own house,
near everything
that made him happy,
Or maybe some real professional care
would have done him more good
than rattling around in this mausoleum
with you looking after him,
What about his remission? Three years
ago, he was healthy for almost a year,
- Then he went downhill again,
- He might have been worse in a hospital,
He might have been better,
Did he ever do any work again?
- No,
- No, And you might have been better,
Better... than what?
You had so much talent,
You think I'm like Dad,
I think you have some of his talent
and some of his tendency
toward instability,
In addition to the cute apartments
that you've scouted for me in New York,
have you by any chance devoted
some of your considerable energies
towards scouting out another type of living
facility for your bughouse little sister?
No, Absolutely not,
That is not what this is about,
Don't lie to me, Claire,
- The resources that I've investigated...
- My God,
If you wanted, All I'm saying is, the doctors
and the people in New York are the best,
- Jesus!
- You wouldn't have to live...
- I hate you!
- Don't yell,
I hate you!
What are you doing here?
How long have you known about this?
A while,
Why didn't you tell me about it?
I wasn't sure if I wanted to,
Thank you,
You're welcome,
- What's going on?
- Catherine, thank you,
- I thought you might like to see it,
- What is it?
- It's incredible,
- What is it?
Oh, it's a result, a proof,
It looks like a proof, It is a proof,
A very long proof,