This is Lingo. He's avillage tour guide.
He speaks a little Japanese.
Remember Ken-ichi was here last year?
He promised to film the mask opera.
This is his father.
So you're Ken-ichi's father.
His father.
Ken-ichi is...myfriend.
He's avery...good friend.
"Lingo, how is everything going?"
Just a second.
Are you Li Jiamin?
"Lingo, I told you we onlywanted Li."
It doesn't have to be Li.
Other actors can also play Lord Guan.
No way. MrTakata onlywants Li Jiamin.
If he insists on Li...
there will be no showtoday.
Why not?
"Look, Li enjoys a drink ortwo..."
which is usuallyfine.
"Then, during a rehearsal..."
a stage hand mentioned...
he had a bastard son.
This upset him so much...
that he grabbed awooden dagger...
and stabbed the guy in the face.
He was arrested...
and sentenced to 3 years in prison.