No need to get up.
I've checked the files.
there was a Japanese man named Ken-ichi...
who traveled here frequently.
He enjoyed our mask opera immensely.
He also visited Li Village.
You are...?
I'm atour guide from Li Village.
I'm Lingo.
He is my client.
This is Ken-ichi's father.
Please have a seat.
"Lingo, can you translate..."
everything I am saying?
My Japanese is not veryfluent...
but I can take notes and translate later.
"Okay, I'll talk and you take notes."
You see...
to let someone film inside a prison...
is very difficult.
His request is totallywithout precedent...
which makes it even more difficult.
You know...
for aforeignerto visit a prison...
is not a straightforward matter.
Even if it was...
the procedures are complicated.
"lt may seem simple, but it's not."
It is very complex.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming."
"So, that puts an end to it."
please explain these difficulties to him.
He doesn't have to visit this prisoner.
Many singers can perform this opera.
They could be even betterthan Li Jiamin.
I advise him to stop trying.
All right?
Mr Li said...
this is...