Prisoner Li Jiamin?
"That's right, Li."
Mr Li Jiamin.
Just to film him singing?
"Yes, nothing else."
Which opera?
Riding Alone forThousands of Miles.
It sounds like an excellent way...
to promote Chinese culture.
"After all, Lord Guan is not a state secret."
"No, he's not."
He's certainly not.
I'll give it the Bureau's stamp of approval.
We can film it now.
"Testing, do you hear me?"
This is the venue.
It is our recreation room.
The prisoners...
use the room...
on weekends and public holidays.
It's a place to relax.
Can you hear me?
You can begin now.
"Thank you, Warden Chen."
You're welcome.
Report for duty.
Come in.
PrisonerYang and the band...
"reporting for duty, Sir."
Take your places.
"Yes, Sir."
This is the prison band.
Some were professionals...
others learnt to play here.