- Class is now in session.
- Will we be tested on this?
Stuff it, McNugget. Rule number one,
we never say nothing.
Even when tortured,
not a word gets out.
Watch this. Look out!
Freddy the Flamingo's right behind you.
- Hey, Goose.
- All right, I'll talk, I'll talk.
It was Vito. Vito Pelligrino from Pier 9.
What do you know? Goose, who was really
a pelican, is really a stool pigeon...
...who is actually a chicken that ducks.
- That makes five birds in one, count them.
- I'm no chicken.
Mind you, I got nothing
against chickens.
I mean, some of my best friends
are chickens. Fowl are fine folks.
All right, let's go, it's time.
Now, you guys stay here.
This ain't gonna be pretty.
Oh, boy, now what do I do?
All right, tough guy, we can do this
the easy way or the hard way.
Gentlemen, don't let the feathers fool you,
this dude's dangerous.
He's a killing machine
disguised as an idiot.
Hey, you like that? Huh?
Right in the seat.
Okay, lights out.
Turning up the pain. You like that?
Come on, can you hear me?
Oh, a spitter, huh?
Oh, you wanna dance?
You want a piece of the Goose?
Karate-chop-a! Poke-a-sock-a!
Smack-a-face-a! Break-a-bones-a!
You see?
You call the Goose, and ba-da-bing.
This is Reggie Redrooster
with the farm report.
In sports news, Goose the Pelican
dropped the motorcycle in the first round.
Then, for good measure,
taught the truck a lesson as well.
Move it along, nothing to see here.
I'm gonna be late for work.
Well, you can take Old Blue.