Coach Roy cannot be happy right now, Jack.
His team has a lot of work to do,
and not much time to do it.
It is crunch time.
This is where we're gonna find out...
what these two teams
and their coaches are really made of.
What are you callin'?
What are you callin', Earl?
Earl, what is that? What is that?
Keep it up, Roy.
Just one more word.
Hey, Coach, this is my nest!
This is my nest!
You need to do an endorsement for Altoids.
Your breath is humming!
Hey, clown.
You keep runnin' your mouth, I'm gonna
come over there and rearrange your beak.
You talkin' smack?
You talkin' smack, huh? You talkin' smack?
Shut up.
- No basket.
- What?
Why don't we play jacks?
'Cause we're not playin' basketball.
Technical foul, Coach Roy.
I- I was way over there!
That's two.
You're out of here!
- Just because- Did I do this?
- Don't touch my whistle.
Did I do that?
Did I do that?
- That's why you give me a tech!
- Hit the showers.
No, you hit the showers, Earl!
You hit the showers!
I'm not hittin' no showers!
Yeah! Kick him out! Kick him out!