Get back here!
I'm gonna need some help.
Give me that!
Get off me, boy! You want some too?
- What?
- She started it.
- Shut up!
- Go on. You're comin' with me.
- Look who's in trouble again.
- You got somethin' to say?
Look, these ain't even allowed in school.
You a natural.
What's your name?
- Big Mac.
- Big Mac.
- You're comin' with me, all right?
- Oh, no. I'm not- No.
I'm not goin' to detention.
It's more like
a work release program.
All right?
Trust me. Suit up.
Come on.
Come on, Big Mac. Suit up.
Trust me.
Yao Ming, wait up.
- What a dork.
- Sorry.
- Hey-
- Excuse me.
- Can I help you?
- I just wanted to talk to one of your players.
These are my students.
And, no, while Wes is in my class,
you can't speak to him.
I'll come back later, okay?
Wes is really shy, okay?
And he's not into sports, and he really doesn't
need to be pushed around by your type.
- My type?
- Mm-hmm.
What's my type, since you know me?
What's my type?
A bully.
A stubborn, spoiled,
always-gets-his-way bully.
You're good.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
I'll come back after class.
But I do gotta ask somethin'.
Look, son, you like basketball?
Um, I'm not
very coordinated.
Man, that's perfect.
Nobody else on the team
is coordinated.