Hey, artist, you got a dollar?
Didn't think so.
New York City
- Center of the universe
- Sing it, girl.
Times are shitty, but I'm pretty sure
They can't get worse
- I hear that.
- It's a comfort to know
When you're singing
The hit-the-road blues
That anywhere else you could
Possibly go after New York would be
A pleasure cruise
Now you're talking.
Well, I'm thwarted by a
Metaphysic puzzle
And I'm sick of grading papers,
That I know
I'm shouting in my sleep
I need a muzzle
And all this misery pays no salary
Let's open up a restaurant
In Santa Fe
Sunny Santa Fe would be nice
We'll open up a restaurant
In Santa Fe
And leave this
To the roaches and mice
- You teach?
- Yeah, I teach.
Computer Age Philosophy.
When my students
would rather watch TV.