To fruits
To no absolutes
To Absolut
To choice
To the Village Voice
To any passing fad
To being an us for once
Instead of a them
La vie bohème
La vie bohème
Hey, mister.
She's my sister.
So that's five miso soup
Four seaweed salad
Three soy-burger dinner
Two tofu-dog platter
And one pasta with meatless balls
It tastes the same
If you close your eyes
- And 13 orders of fries, is that it here?
- Wine and beer
To handcrafted beers
Made in local breweries
To yoga
To yogurt
To rice and beans and cheese
To leather
To dildos
To curry vindaloo
To huevos rancheros
And Maya Angelou
Emotion, devotion
To causing a commotion
Mucho masturbation
To fashion
To passion when it's new
- To Sontag
- To Sondheim
To anything taboo
Ginsberg, Dylan, Cunningham
And Cage
Lenny Bruce
- Langston Hughes
- To the stage
- To Uta
- To Buddha
Pablo Neruda too
Why Dorothy and Toto
Went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em
La vie bohème
- Sisters?
- We're close.
Bisexuals, trisexuals,
Homo sapiens
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men,
Pee-wee Herman