Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
Measure a year?
In diapers, report cards
In spoked wheels, in speeding tickets
In contracts, dollars
In funerals, in births
In 525,600 minutes
How do you figure
A last year on Earth?
Figure in love
- Figure in love
- Eight, seven, six, five...
- Figure in love
...four, three, two, one.
Measure in love
Seasons of love
Seasons of love
Hey, Mimi. Mimi.
Mimi, give me
your New Year's resolutions.
I'm giving up my vices.
I'm going back to school.
Oh, that's very good.
How about you, Roger?
- Finish a song.
- Yeah, maybe this year?
And who are you two
supposed to be?
- Bond. James Bond.
- And Pussy Galore. In person.
Very nice.
What you want, huh?
Well, you can take the girl
out of Hicksville...
...but you can't take
the Hicksville out of the girl.
Heard you got a job offer.
No, it was just that sleazy news show
Buzzline wants to take a meeting.
We're gonna need an agent.
- "We"?
- Hey, listen, mister.
I am the reason you got on TV
in the first place.