On commission.
On an escalating scale.
Start at $3000.
You're not gonna get
a better deal than that.
We'll take it.
- I sold my soul.
- For 3 grand a segment.
You ain't got nothing
without my protest.
Does everything
have to be about you?
Me? You're the one
helping my ex-boyfriend.
He needed a lawyer.
I figured I could help out,
since you got them evicted.
You know what? Why don't the two
of you get an accountant's ledger...
...and a bottle of champagne
and go at it.
Invite the girl you were just flirting with
to join us and I will.
Oh, my God. Come on, Pookie.
I was just being friendly.
- My God.
- What do you want, huh?
I'll do anything.
You want me to be your slave?
You want me
to just obey your every wish?
Tell me what you want.
That's all?
Why didn't you say so
in the first place?
All you have to do is ask...
...and I'm yours.
Will you commit to me?
To be with only me
for the rest of our lives?
I will.
I do.
This can't be happening.