Titanium Clowns.
I'd say about 50.
About 50 clown groups.
Different clown groups.
There's, like, over 50.
it's a bunch of kids...
that do the stripper dance,
paint their faces like clowns...
and go put on a show
for a birthday party.
What's stripper dance?
What's the stripper dance?
What's the stripper dance?
I don't know where the stripper
dance just came from.
It just jumped into the air.
One day, I didn't even know.
Like, I went to a party...
and that was,
like, the new dance.
The stripper dance is like where
you open both of your legs...
and you bend like this.
And then you gotta be making
your butt bounce like that.
But it really be bouncin'.
It be like a lotta guys
be lookin', like...
"Oh, she's hot. She's bangin'."
So I do the stripper dance...
and I combined it
with a little clownin'...
so I do the stripper,
and I do it like this...
this just stripper plain.
But then I wobble with it,
like, wobble...
and that's the clownin'
and the stripper dance together.
'Cause I'm...
Anybody out in Los Angeles,
you have to be taught it.
Out here, it's a flow.
It's a vibe.
It's like a connection.
Everybody does it.
Everybody sees it.
We do everything.
We'll Harlem shake for you.
We'll bounce.
We'll do our little thing.
We'll do our little swingin'.
We'll put everything in it.
The bleach and
the little African clown walk.
We'll do it all.
The stripper dance
has everything in it.