
but not just his mom,
his play mom...

but I'm proud to be his pastor.
My dad, he was my idol...
'cause I never saw
a man do so much...

and make so much
of the day like he did.

I saw him
as a father figure...

and a role model
at the same time.

He was my friend, also.
I see, like, lights
flashing in the back.

Then my mom comes,
and she's telling me...

she's like, "I'm gonna tell you
your dad committed suicide."

You know...
shot hisself in the head
in the backyard.

You know, came home,
we found him like this.

He was the only child
that kept it...

kind of quietly inside of him.
I felt as if...
I was his only child
that didn't cry...

you know, at the funeral
like everybody else did.

I didn't, you know,
rant and rave.

So for a long time,
I thought, you know,

does that mean
I loved him any less?

And I realized
it doesn't mean that.

It's just that everybody
mourns in a different way.

I've been in a lot
of family situations.

I've been shot
by a family member.

My grandfather
shot me in my arm.

Right here.
Went in through this way
and came out through here.

I was trying to protect
my mom 'cause he was drunk.

And I was looking at my body,
looking at my baby's body...

and I seen blood.
We didn't know where
the blood was coming from.

Chance was standing
on the right side of me.

I don't know how...
how the bullet hit me...

and the gun was pointed directly
to my little brother's back.

She was holding
my little brother.

It must have been God,
'cause turned the bullet...

from when it hit the middle,
it must have turned the bullet.

It ricocheted off
of something...

and went straight
through my arm.

If the bullet
hadn't have turned...

the bullet would have hit
my little baby.

It would have tore him up.
But it turned, and it got him
right in this arm...

and it went in, and it went out.
I had to go to a crackhouse...
to get my mama
out of the crackhouse.
