Stick with me. I know this town
like the back of my hand.
Hey, that's new.
Excuse me. Can I help you?
Sorry, I...
- Hey, you're Tim from the TV show.
- That's me.
Well, hey, Tim.
Who closed the gate?
It's never supposed to be...
Yeah, okay, what do you want?
I'd like to see Mr. Bigweld.
I'm an inventor.
Oh, why didn't you say so?
Stand back.
I got you. You see, because you were
all excited and then, boom!
All right, I had my laugh. Go on in.
Now, that's funny.
The second time.
You really think I'm gonna let you in.
But I'm not.
Sorry, kid, nobody gets in.
Company rules.
Company ru...? Well, then
how do they hire new inventors?
They don't. Those days are over.
My advice: Come back two years ago.
Then the job is yours.