What's our big-ticket item?
Upgrades, people. Upgrades.
That's how we make the dough.
Now, if we're telling robots that no matter
what they're made of, they're "fine"...
...how can we expect them to feel
crummy enough about themselves...
...to buy our upgrades
and make themselves look better?
Therefore, I've come up
with a new slogan.
"Why be you when you can be new?"
I gotta tell you, I think it's brilliant...
...but, honestly, I'd like to hear
what you employees think about this.
- Hear, hear.
- Out of the ballpark, Ratchet.
Just don't look down.
Get off.
Go on, get off.
Get off of...
Cappy, you haven't said a word.
- It gave me chills.
- Thank you, thank you.
- But...
- But?
I'm just wondering,
why would robots buy new upgrades...
...if parts are so much cheaper?
Oh, right. Well, that's easy.
Because as of today,
we are no longer making spare parts.
Do you know what I call robots
who can't afford upgrades? Scrap metal.
You see them on the streets,
misshapen and rust-covered.
They turn your insides out.
You wanna run home and scrub yourself.
Now, Cappy, I want your department
to push our new slogan.
In fact, I'm moving you
into the office right next to mine.
We'll be working very,
very closely together on this one.
- Won't that be fun?
- Oodles.