Well, I just...
- What happened to your friend?
- He's been rear-ended.
Oh, there you are.
Aunt Fanny, he needs a place to stay.
Well, just make yourself at home.
Thank you. That's very kind of you.
My pleasure.
See a need, fill a need.
Hey, just like Bigweld.
Bigweld. That's a lot of robot.
Come on. You can bunk with me.
We'll ignore the gossip.
You missed a spot.
Fender, get out of my room!
I'm not in your room.
I am now. Now I'm not.
I am. Not. Am...
Get out of my room.
Oh, man, this is my third oil change
today. Something's wrong with me.
Here we are. Home sweet home.
What's mine is yours.
- Oh, dear.
- I'll get them.
Look at that.
Now they're arm-wrestling.
Could you separate them?
Hurry, my backside itches.
I know that sounds bad,
but I'm just doing musical arm farts.
You know how to do those?
They're hard to do, because we're metal,
but that's where the skill comes in.
I'm real close. Listen.
No, wait.
No, wait, wait.
You can't tell me that didn't sound like a...
Like an old man.
You know, I'm a little tired.
Maybe tomorrow.