Hey, kids, get a load of this.
Aunt Fanny...
...we were using our arms.
Oh, excuse me.
Lady, please...
...see a doctor.
This will perk everyone up.
Some of Aunt Fanny's
fresh-brewed grease.
Careful, it's hot.
So, what are you guys doing today?
- We're doing it.
- What about you?
Bigweld's disappeared,
and you're sitting here.
That's already been established.
- I gotta find out what happened to him.
- Hey, you want my advice?
- Sure.
- Forget it.
"Never try, never fail. "
Those are the words I live by.
Crank, the idol of millions is gone,
and no one seems to care.
There should be an angry mob
out there.
What the...?
Wow, that was great, psychic friend.
Now say, "Money should be
falling from the sky. "
Say it. Say it.
Sorry, folks, all sold out.
Nothing but upgrades from here on in.
But I like myself just the way I am.
- We can't afford upgrades!
- Let's get him!
Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?
Don't throw me.
Isn't that the guy
that fixed Fender's neck?
Yeah, that guy fixes bots.
Yeah, that kid can help you.
Brace yourself.
You're about to get popular.
Only those with insurance.
Oh, I forgot. Everybody, come on.
Parts, man. I need parts.
You don't look that... bad.
- Hey, everybody, spare parts!
- Yeah!