Then, when you're really seasoned...
I mean, and seasoned...
These 16-year-olds
are very, you know...
sophisticated musicians.
Everything leads towards then playing Zappa,
and I become their manager, in essence.
And I try to get them
as good of gigs as possible.
Okay. Here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna learn the music.
We're gonna learn the music real fast.
And I say this every time,
and I'm like an alcoholic.
I say this time things are gonna be
different, and things aren't different.
We're scheduling rehearsals
right at the end.
We're like, let's try the song
as crappy as possible. Get it up on stage.
So that I don't have to
cut you from your songs...
and your parents, like, "I paid all that money,
and my kid was only in two songs. Why?"
I have to explain to 'em, your kid's lazy.
They smoke dope. They don't practice.
You know what I mean?
So let's not get into that.
And practice early and often.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Try that.
Two, one, two.
- Yes. Now you gotta practice it.
- I gotta practice it.
Here, follow me.
Here's what I do.
This is an average day for me.
Come along.
I go in, and I'll visit in on students,
and I'll berate them.
'Cause we have a very sophisticated game
of good cop, bad cop.
So I'll go in... to Dylan's lesson here,
and talk to Cat...
and tell her a couple things
I don't like.
Then, when I leave, I can assure you
Dylan's, like, "We'll show him. "
- Hi, Cat. This is Cat Sherman.
- Hi.
Cat's got much rock heart
in her heart.
The heart of rock and roll
beats within that breast.