What are you doing? Come on.
You're walking past...
All right, guys. Come on.
Guys, quit screwing around.
Come on. Come on, come on,
come on. All right, stop.
All right, hold it there.
Report any variances over two feet.
Here, hold on to these.
Come on, grab it.
All right. Come on, you piece of...
All right, give me a wrench.
I need the wrench.
Wrench! Anybody there?
All right, oil. I need the oil.
All right, the oil. Thank you.
That's it. All right, we're good!
We're good!
Here. Hi.
- Al Giordino.
- Eva.
- Eva Rojas.
- Nice work.
- Thanks.
- Welcome aboard.
Thank you.
All right, turn it on. Go down.
Go, go, go, go, go.
More. Keep going.
- How are you? Feeling better?
- Yes, thank you.
- I'm Rudi.
- Sorry, where are we?
This is the Martha Ann,
It's a NUMA boat. Ship.
We didn't know who you were, so
we kind of patched you up ourselves.
You had an edema
of the upper tracheal track.
Rudi, I've been waiting
two months for this moment.
Don't mess it up for me
by letting him drown.
- Yes, admiral.
- Diver up!
In five, counting,
four, three, two, one.
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I introduce to you
after a 772-year engagement
on the bottom of the ocean:
King Bateen!
Nice job, everyone.
Except you, Al. What the hell?