Don't show me things like that,
Oshodi. We're not that friendly.
Okay, okay. Now, here it is.
A very special piece.
The one I spoke to you about.
It breaks my heart
just to show it to you.
Where did you get this?
Cash, please.
We are not that friendly.
This is a great party.
- Thank you for inviting us, admiral.
- The pleasure is mine.
Yves, this is the woman
I was telling you about,
- Dr. Eva Rojas.
- Hi.
I'm delighted to make your
acquaintance. I'm Yves Massarde.
Nice to meet you.
This is Dr. Frank Hopper.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Yves does a lot of business
in Africa.
Some even in Mali.
Will you excuse me?
I understand you believe there is some
sort of plague coming out of Mali?
We don't like to say "plague."
- What do you think it is then?
- A plague.
So you do business in Mali?
Do you know anyone there
who could help us
by pressuring the WHO
to send a team?
Well, you see, much of Mali
is controlled by a warlord.
General Kazim. Do you know him?
Yes. He used to be a colonel
in the Malian army,
and gave himself an upgrade
the day he shot the president.
He's the man who put the "war"
back into "warlord."
And he controls the country?
Half of it. And the other half
no one controls,
but I don't know which is worse.
But I have to warn you, it is very
dangerous for foreigners right now.
I would say it's probably
more dangerous for locals.
Yes, but your death would
look very bad in the papers.
So does the word "plague."