All right, I will call some people,
but at the end of the day,
I'm just a businessman,
so be patient.
Oh, yeah, she's good at that.
He's not gonna help us.
This was a waste of time.
Eva, we can't just wander into
the middle of a Malian civil war.
The fighting with the Tuaregs
is too severe. You know that.
I think we should go back
to the hospital...
Admiral, have you ever seen
a Confederate gold dollar?
- Dear God, don't start this again.
- Of course not.
The Confederacy never made
a gold dollar.
The mint was destroyed
near the end of the war.
Dirk, I beg you on my hands
and knees. Don't.
But not before Jefferson Davis
had five samples made.
He gave four of those samples
to his top generals:
- Lee, Jackson, Stuart and Johnston.
- Every time we come to Africa,
out comes that stupid ship model.
Out come the old port journals.
We are leaving for Australia
Four of those samples
have been found.
But the fifth never was.
That one was given to
an old family friend of Davis.
A brilliant young sea captain
named Mason Tombs.
Captain of the CSS ironclad Texas.
- Where in the hell did you get this?
- Frederick Oshodi.
And he got it from a man
named Indigwe.
But the important thing is that Indigwe
found this in Labbezanga, Mali.
Hey, my dad collects coins.
No, that coin and the Texas
were on the Niger River.
It's impossible. An ironclad
couldn't make it with her draft.
Let me take the Calliope
to Labbezanga, have a look around.
- You can't have my boat, Dirk.
- Three days, admiral.
Just three days. Imagine.
All right, if I strike out,
you'll never hear another word
about this.
You got 72 hours.
And not a nanosecond more.
You fellas just bought
yourself a boat trip.
You're a gentleman, admiral.
I don't care what they say about you.
I got a bottle says we never find it.
- Make it a case.
- All right. You're on.