My name is Dirk.
I'm looking for a boat.
And when would we be
seeing this boat?
About 140 years ago, in 1866.
Back when Labbezanga was
one of the greatest ports in Africa.
Do you know anything else?
We use events to find dates,
not dates to find events.
Well, there was a storm.
There was a great storm.
One that would have raised
the depths of the Niger
enough to allow the boat
to get here, yes.
It is written here.
Six days after the great storm,
a dark ship rode without sails
under the banner of a single star.
It was driven upriver,
never to return.
It brought a sickness
from here up to Gao
and bore over 300 souls to heaven.
It was believed a damnation
from Allah.
A ghost ship.
A cursed ship.
What does that mean?
- What?
- That's Arabic, Al.
Yeah. Sounds poetic.
What's it mean?
"The ship of death."
Great. Should we call Sandecker?
- No.
- What ship? Whose death?
He'd just tell us to come home.
- Sounds reasonable.
- Yeah, then I'd get a case of tequila.
Boys, we are going upriver to Gao.
All right. Rudi, you gonna run
the sonar on the riverbed?