- Mr. Walker.
- Here's my late slip.
- "Against boredom,
the gods themselves fight in vain. "
- You think so?
- Nietzsche does.
Independent seat work
for the remainder of the period.
Have you read Nietzsche?
- Is he that Chinese guy?
- No, he's that philosopher guy.
- Was he catholic?
Seems odd not to be studying Catholics
in religion class.
I thought we were having a test.
- We're not. Far too sunny out
for testing, wouldn't you agree?
I'm hoping Nietzsche
will be better for your brain.
- Well, I... suppose so.
Ave Maria...
- Sorry about your face.
- What's wrong with my face?
- Nothing.
I meant the cut from baseball.
In fact, it's a wonderful face.
- Thanks.
- It's about time
we went on a date, Collins.
- Really... Walker?
- Dinner, maybe. Something formal,
but within bike-riding distance.
I want our first date
to be memorable.
- And I want it to be Good Friday
every day.
- Good. Next Friday night.
I'll come by around 7:00.
No, make that 7:30, just to give you
some extra time to get ready.
- How is it going, my Mr. Walker?
- Mom,