I absolutely couldn't be any better.
- Growing wings as we speak.
- I figured as much.
- Are things still working out
staying at Chester's house?
- Uh... His mom keeps saying,
"What difference does one more kid make?"
I like it there. Honest.
- Do you go by the house?
- Uh, just to cut the grass.
- Here you go, Emma.
Hello, Ralph.
- Hey, Alice,
is that a new hair clip?
- Don't mess with me, kid.
- No, seriously.
It looks stunning.
- Hmm.
- Did you conquer the world today,
my Mr. Walker?
- I've got a date with Claire
next Friday.
- I like that girl.
- Here.
I bought this for you.
- I know. I feel the same.
Not quite the haircut
I had in mind.
I think it's too short.
- You could pull it off.
Not many could.
- You make a fantastic
scarf selector.
Thank you, Ralph.
- You're welcome.
- Your father would be proud.