- Let's go.
- We run in cross-country, son.
- How in the name of Christ
did I ever end up here?
- I ask myself that every day.
- Did Father Fitzpatrick say the incident
would go on your permanent record?
- He didn't mention it.
- It probably won't then.
- Do you think anyone knows
what happened at the pool?
- Wanker... Wanker...
Wanker... Wanker...
Wanker... Wanker...
Wanker... Wanker... Wanker...
- I'd say so.
- Wanker...
- All right, gentlemen,
- Wanker... Wanker...
- Silence!
Gentle men...
I am deeply disappointed.
Shame on all of you!
This boy's father is dead,
and his mother
is in the hospital.
- Come on.
- Leave him alone, Father.
Mr. Walker can stand up
for himself.
- We all need a little help standing up,
- Leave him alone.
- She had a rough time last night.
But, don't worry,
we're watching her pretty closely.