- Precisely. You don't know.
It wasn't God.
It was the bump on your head.
A hallucination at best.
- Father, I don't mean
to be disrespectful, but...
- Mr. Walker, trust me.
You are not going to perform
any miracles.
You're not running Boston.
Is that clear?
- Yes, Father.
Father, forgive me,
for I have lied...
to a priest.
How far have we run, Father?
- One mile.
- That's it?
- Turn back, if you want to.
- I can't.
- All right, stop.
I heard you talked
to Father Fitzpatrick.
- Yes, Father.
- Let's get something straight
right here and now, all right?
So there's absolutely
no confusion.
Forget about miracles, please.
- I would have thought you,
of all people... a priest...
would believe in miracles.
- I'm trying to help you, Ralph.
Father Fitzpatrick is upper clergy,
Monsignor material.
Not a man
you want to go up against.
- Your friend Nietzsche wrote,
and I quote,
"The Anarchist and the Christian
often have a common origin. "
I'm trying to be both.
- That's not what Nietzsche meant!
- I don't care.
OK, so the cosmic events
stacked up,
and I was still unsure about it
until my conversation with God.
Unfortunately, you'll still be in a coma
for a few months,
because Boston is not until April.
But that's better
than the rest of your life.
Excuse me for a second, Mom.
- What's wrong
with your grandmother?
- Oh, she's not my grandmother.
This is Mrs. Scarlet.