- Yes. You shouldn't have tried
to stay with me when I surged.
Now you're broken.
Once you break, it's over.
In running, you can never recover.
You can redline all you want,
but you never go past the breaking point
until the final sprint.
All right? You OK?
- I'm fine.
- OK.
Jog easy for five minutes,
then we'll try again.
By the way, you have
an incredible capacity for work.
- I do?
- Yes, you do.
- Read it.
- "Sadly, Grace Walker... "
"Wife of the late Grant Walker,
"Passed away on January 7th, 1949.
"She died of a heart attack.
Grace Walk... "
- That's enough.
Obviously, it has come to my attention
that your grandparents are dead.
- No, they're not, Father.
- Are you suggesting
the obituary's fiction?
- No, not at all, Father.
- Then what am I missing?
I've seen their graves.
Section 16 and row 12, plot six.
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
- Oh...
You mean my dad's parents.
I thought you were talking
about my mom's.
- And where do they live?
- Ireland.
- Then maybe it's time
you visited them.
Maybe it's also time you explained
who wrote all of these notes?
I know you don't have
the writing skills
to pull something like this off.