Saint Ralph

Broke down cars
I'm going away
Leaving soon
Good night Darling
Good night Moon
Good night Darling
Good night Moon
- Not one day of missed running
in the last 42.

I now can bench press
almost a hundred pounds,

stay under water
for almost five minutes.

Mom, I think we're closing in
on miracle country.

Sorry it's going to take so long.
- My mom says
she saw you running in Dundas.

Did you jog all the way?
- Maybe.
- That's a long way...
even to drive.
- Thanks.
- Your documentation
is very thorough, Father.

Yes, Ralph Walker
has fallen through the net.

But the Children’s Aid Society has no
authority to just come in and take him.

It takes time.
A few weeks at least.

- In the meantime,
he stays by himself?

- Legally, it's a loophole...
but we follow the law.
- And what about
the boy's welfare?

- Is that really
what's at stake here, Father?

- What do you mean?
- You ounce had

my welfare in mind.
Grade nine Latin.
- 49.5 final mark, if I recall.
- Surely, there was room
in my participation mark.

- You sat in the back row.
- My welfare never had the chance
to thank you for the two months

I spent with you that summer
re-reading the stories

of Caecilius, Lucretia
and their stupid,
stupid dog Grumio.

Good day, Father.
