- He says that he's going to win
the Boston Marathon.
He also says that it will be a miracle
when he does.
- It will be.
He won't win.
- That's not what I mean.
How long have you been
coaching him?
- Well, I wouldn't exactly
call it coaching - more like...
steering him in the right direction
if he...
- Semantics! I thought I made myself
very clear.
- You did, Father.
- Then...?
- He needed help.
- Ralph Walker does not need
that kind of help.
He needs to learn his place
in the world.
All of our students need this
from us.
It's what we do as teachers,
Father Hibbert.
It's our gift!
Tell him it's over.
- That he can't run Boston?
But, of course, he can.
It's outside of school jurisdiction -
you can't control that.
- Watch me.
If Ralph Walker runs Boston
and is absent from this school,
his career as a student is over
here at St. Magnus.
That's my jurisdiction.
And if you have any part of it,
you are done with this order.
There have already been
- His mother is dying.
- And that's the reason
he is still a student here!
I'm trying to help the boy.
He'll be put in a home
as soon as the paperwork is done.
Thank you.
That's all, Father Hibbert.
- Yes, Father.
As the race approaches,
it is paramount
that all distractions disappear.
It's equally important
that all doubts be cast aside.