Oh crap ! You've heard it too ?
Of course, it's damn good fun !
That RJ is making you famous.
You think this is funny ? - Vey.
You're laughing and l've lost
half my clientele at the restaurant.
Sue them.
Sue the damn radio station, yeah ?
Causing of emotional distress,
mental trauma, character assassination.
Hang on, let me just
call that Debonair character.
You be ready with this.
l am going to sue you !
Who is speaking please ?
- This is Nick and l am going to sue you.
What for ? - What for ! For...
emotional distress and...
- Mental trauma, character assassination.
l'm with a vey big lawyer right now !
- My friend is with a vey big lawyer.
No, no ! Not me ! You, you are
! - No-no... you, you.
My friend is a vey big lawyer.
See, Mr Nikhil Arora...
Stop calling me that !
lf one more person calls me
Nikhil Arora, then l will... l'll...
l'll never talk to you again.
- l'll never talk...
Sory yaar, l couldn't think of anything else.
Listen ! Why don't you
talk directly to Hambar ?
Oh sure, come on.
Give me Hambar's number.
Don't wory. l will
connect you. Hold on.
Hello listeners.
Breaking news on Salaam Namaste.
Nikhil Arora has just
called to apologise to Hambar.
We are taking you live to the conversation.
Hambar ?
Ambar. The name is Ambar.
A, A for Ambar.
Oh... and the name is Nick,
not Nikhil Arora, Okay ?
You ! - Yes !
So you've finally decided
to be sensible and say sory.
Sory ? Are you crazy ?
l'm calling because...
what you're doing is not right.
And what am l doing ?
You're ruining my reputation.
How ?
By calling me Nikhil Arora for a star.
Oh, l am so sory.
l had no idea you hated your name so much.