He was here at seven o'clock
sharp for the interview.
The leopard changes his spots !
Hambar versus Nick.
Aren't you going to give me the rest ?
These are for Debonair.
Hambar versus Nick !
Are you a chef or an architect ?
Well, an architect by qualification.
But a chef by choice.
Then why did you become an architect ?
- To make my Dad happy.
And why did you become a chef ?
- To make myself happy.
All right .
So if you meet a beautiful girl
and she asks you what you do.
what will you say ?
lf the girl is well-educated,
like a lawyer or a doctor..
..then l'll say l'm an architect.
But if she's creative,
like a writer or an RJ..
..then l'm a chef.
- Oh, so your truth is changeable.
Well, truth is like a recipe.
Some things you hide and some you reveal..
So what's the one vital truth that
you've hidden so far and from whom ?
My wife doesn't know that we're married.
Sory, just kidding.
Hambar ! What is this ?
Attack ! Charge !
lf you became an architect to please
your Dad and a chef to please yourself..
..what will you do to please your mother ?
Mary a nice lndian girl ?
Well, l don't believe in marriage.
But if Mom was alive then, yes,
perhaps l'd even do that for her sake.
Oh l'm so sory - That's Okay .
Were you vey close to her ?
Vey. l was only foureen.
So young .
What is this !
Where is Hambar versus Nick ?
What is your favourite dish ?
l'd have to say, lndian meatballs.
Will you tell us the recipe ?
This is your punishment for being late.