Wow ! - Control yourself.
Let's talk this over first.
l don't the trust lndians.
What's that ?
Babes, what l always say about lndians ?
Sory ?
Exactly. Means,
l don't the trust lndians.
Hating Jaggu Yadav was,
is and always will be vey easy.
After migrating from Bihar to Mumbai,
it seemed for a while that..
he would never strike it rich.
He kept getting pushed around
from one place to the next.
Someone suggested going abroad and
driving a cab. And so he arrived in Melbourne
Then he won the lottey.
His luck took a turn for the better,
but his personality stayed the same
Hopefully you won't like him too much,
because he definitely doesn't like you
But you're lndian yourself, and..
l was lndian.. was.
Now, l'm Australian.
Get it, mate ? - Got it .
There are two kinds of lndians.
Babes, what the two
kinds of lndians are ?
Sory ?
Exactly. One, the kind you can't trust.
And two, the kind you can't tolerate.
Look, we just want to rent your house.
We don't want to cause any problems
l see that, l see that.
l can see you're Okay.
Nice, married couple.
Married couples l trust.
When did you get married ?
Soon.. - A week ago.
We thought it would happen soon,
then a week ago it suddenly happened