Salaam Namaste

Quick engagement, instant marriage.
And kids ?

There wasn't really much time or
they would've happened as well

Funny guys.
Senses of humour . l like that.
Come, let me show you the house.
Home the sweets' home.
What ?
What are you looking for ?
Nothing. Just checking to see if it opens.
This is not an lndian public loo
where things that are closed don't open..

and things that are open don't close.
This is Australia mate.
Open. Close. Okay, mate ?
Where's the other bathroom ?
Another bathroom.. what for ?
Just in case we have guests over..
- No guests.

l do not want any guests in here.
Looks here. Just the twos of you.
Babes. Tell them how much l hate guests.
Sory ?
Whether you agree or not, no guests.

So, you are wanting the house ?
Just a second.. - No second, only first.
Nice house, but this Crocodile Dundee
is making me nervous.

lt's not like we have to live with him.
Nice rooms. l want the bigger one.

The kitchen's quite cool as well.
Let me talk to him.
