You don't need to latch the door.
lf l didn't trust you,
l wouldn't have agreed to live with you.
Good night.
Good night.
Keep it low.
You'll wake up Crocodile Dundee.
l swear. What a guy !
And that strange girl
who stays with him.
What's that ?
Sory ?
l still think l love you.
Tell me in the morning.
Stop staring.
How come you're up so early ?
- Thanks to a whole lot of alarms.
Why ?
So that l could see you go from
the bathroom to the bedroom.
You know something..
you look beautiful.
Thank you.
And you smell great.
Thank you. Now l'm shy,
and l'm going to go to my room.
Have you got ten minutes ?
Why ?
Tell me. Just ten minutes ?
Good. Come with me.
l can't believe you woke up
specially to make me breakfast.
Breakfast is the most
imporant meal of the day.
You'll eat a proper
breakfast evey day now.
Think about it.
You'll have to get up early
evey morning. - l'll get used to it.
Oh God l'm really late.