Have you got ten seconds ?
l've got to go. Bye !
Frustrated yet smiling.
l just don't understand women, yaar !
l mean, if you don't want an
answer then why ask the question ?
lt's unbelievable, yaar !
Thrice, thrice l told her.
No, you haven't put on weight !
And then she stared up again.
Say swear, say swear. So l said..
lt's okay if you've put on a couple of kilos.
Doesn't make a difference to me.
Oh ! Wrong answer ! - l know, l know
That's where the whole fight began.
And then our families got involved.
How ?
We stared abusing each other's families.
What ?
And you won't believe
what she did after that.
She bloody stared throwing
biscuits at me, yaar.
And not the whole packet.
She was throwing them one by one..
aiming each one at me !
- Crap ! So what did you do ?
Ate them all.
She kept throwing and l kept eating.
What ?
l know it sounds funny.
When you're angy it all makes sense.
Then ?
- Then, she ran out of biscuits.
And began cying.
l want to go to my mom's house,
l don't love you, l don't want to be here
So l thought it's Thursday night,
boys' night out, let her go.
l'll apologise tomorrow. Besides,
what would she do here anyway ?
You should've called her.
Nick ! Boys' night out !
You and me are boys !
And l'm married to Cathy.
l know, she's not a boy.
Hi boys
Hi. What are you doing here ?
Why ? Nick asked me.
Boys' night out, yaar!
- She was at Simone's, round the corner.
l said we'll go home together.
Why ? ls there a problem ?
No. - No, no problem at all, just that..
if l'd known you'd be here, l'd have
called Cathy as well for the boy's night out
How was your day ?
- College was bad.
You want some sushi ?
- No thanks.
Listen, have l put on weight ?
Put on ?
l think you need to gain a few kilos.
Really ?