How could you do this ?
How could l do this ?
l mean, how did this happen ?
We always use protection.
l know.. - Then ?
Then what, Nick ? You know that
protection's not always hundred percent.
Then why are you asking me ?
Sory .
Get rid of it.
What ?
Get rid of it.
You don't want this kid !
l don't want it.
Let's kill it.
The word is aborion, Nick.
We need an aborion. Don't say kill it.
What difference does it make
what we call it ?
We've got to do what has to be done !
Let's go now. l'll come with you.
l'll stay here.
You won't come with me ?
Amby, you know me.
Hospitals and doctors and..
Hello Mrs Winters.
We feeling good today ?
This is Ambar Malhotra,
a student of mine.
Ambar, sit.
lt's fascinating to watch, you know.
Excuse me.
After five months
your baby responds to voices.
Look... he's responding to us!
There, you see the hands taking shape.
You don't see the legs
because the body's in the way.
But l'm sure you can feel the legs
- Oh yes, she can kick.
lt could be a he.-lt's a she.
l know it. l can just feel it.
And just there, you can see
the baby's hear beating.
She's so beautiful. Oh god,
l think l'm going to cy.
Judy, everything all right ?
- Everything's perfect.
Mrs Winters, l'll send your repors.
- Okay great ! Thank you.
Are we going now ?
- Yes. Bye-bye.