Turn that thing down.
Will you please turn the tv off ?
- l can't sleep unless l watch tv.
Then keep the volume low.
You don't live here alone.
Oh really ? l thought we weren't going
to remind each other about that ?
That's right. And this idiotic volume
in the middle of the night..
keeps reminding me that
you live here too, so..!
What the hell are you doing ?
l paid for this tv. l'll watch it
whenever l want, at whatever volume l want.
So please, from now on,
don't touch my tv.
Oh crap, what are you doing ?
l pay the cable bill evey month.
So please, don't attach it
to your tv from now on.
Damn it Nick, come out !
This is not your drawing room
where you can chill out over a newspaper.
Nick, how can you be so disgusting !
You're drinking milk in the loo !
Nikhil Arora, this is your
last warning ! Come out !
Nikhil.. right that's it !
There's no way l'm coming out now!
Do whatever you want.