No l can't make such a big down-payment.
l don't have that kind of cash.
Oh Mr. Lehmann please don't do this.
That restaurant means everything to me.
l mean, there must be
something you can do.
Okay. Well, thanks for tying.
What ?
The loan was disapproved.
Why ?
They need a twenty five
percent down-payment.
So ?
All my money's gone
into the house, Ron.
Shit ! Mine too.
Here you go princess.
We've reached your palace.
Thanks Jignesh.
l had a great time.
Nice movie ?
Can l ask you something ?
Do you still love that idiot ?
But it doesn't hur so much now. Besides
l've given up hope of things changing.
ls there anything l can do ?
Just be there, like you always have.
- l'm always there. l love you, yaar.
These are all the accounts
that need to be cleared.
Take a look and please give me
your share. l need the money.
Stop it Nick ! What are you doing ?
From now on, the curains l don't
like will not be put up in the living room.
And l hate these damn candles.
You decorate your room however you like,
l don't want to see any of this here.
You're doing this just because
l asked you for my money ?
The hell with your money.