Do you want to watch something ?
No thanks.
Nick, l need to talk to you.
Tell me.
Nick you're not doing anything wrong.
You're not ready for a marriage and kids
and you're being completely honest.
You're doing just what's right for you
and what you want for yourself.
Who can understand this better than me ?
l've always lived my life for myself.
l've never thought about
how it might affect my mom and dad.
Who knows, maybe this is retribution.
Maybe it's all karma.
And only you could give me this lesson.
Because l've never loved anybody as much.
Look Amby, l.
Till now, it was all about me,
my happiness, my pain, my life.
Not anymore, now everything has changed.
Now it's all about my baby.
This life that's growing inside me.
l can do anything for this baby, Nick.
l can endure anything.
But l can't imagine my baby being hur.
l'd decided never to ask you for
anything for either me or my baby.
But today l've gathered the
courage to ask you for something.
What ?
l have a disorder in my blood.
Anything serious ?
No. l'm thalassemia minor.
This doesn't affect me in any way.
But if you..
if you have this disorder too,