He was being accused of complicity
with clients, cooking the books.
Now I just want to know, my former
accountant testify against me.
Can I not go to the Court?
And, even if I can get off, it will
take me at least a year or so, right?
When can I get back my frozen money?
Mr. Yiu, there is
an urgent parcel for you.
Open it. Yes, sir.
Mr. Yiu.
This pillow is specially designed
by my therapist for me.
Nothing is better
to have a good sleep, right?
Ask Chuen to wait for me downstairs
in 15 minutes.
Yes, sir. Sit.
Don't you worry can't sleep well?
No. I have managed on a few hours'
sleep since I was a kid.
Well. The lesser you sleep,
the smarter you are.
I heard that Einstein
slept for only two hours a day,
same as my son.
He fools around till dawn.
After a few hours' sleep, he gets up for singing
and dancing practices, or meeting the press.
See, he had dark circles under
his eyes when he took this picture.
He looks great after the CG.
His new album
will be released next week.
I'll ask Judy to send you one.
This morning, at 3:20 am,
the witness Hung Chi-man, who
involved in a money laundering case
was shot to death while
he was being extradited from Canada.
Can you explain how did the murderer
know which flight you were on?
Maybe someone in Canada
leaked it out.
Or they could get the information
from the airline network.
What they need
is just to know my name.
Apart from your subordinates,
does anyone else
know you took that flight?
I've told you,
I never told anyone.
You are interrogating me,
am I a suspect now?
I haven't bathed yet.
You're also a cop.
When you take a statement from
a witness, you will do the same.