A group of boys behind drugs.
It is a good place to prick.
- An estimate time of death?
- The forensic just got here.
But one of the officers said
that was your buddy.
He was not my buddy,
it was an informer.
The officer id him just
looking at him?
No, he was not possitive, for that
wanted you here.
Well, I will look at his face and I'll
tell you in two seconds if is him or not.
Very nice, bravo!
Yeah, is Mike.
- Will you tell me about that?
- I thought you want to see it for yourself.
Ok, now I saw it.
I know that it is still early, but
up to now is Jigsaw pattern.
I've seen that. What he want with me?
Well, let's just pretend that is somebody new.
Can you think at anyone who will
do that to your guy?
He was an informer, Kerry. If you want
a list of possible suspects...
grab a phone book.
Crackheads do not have engineering
degree. I see that the cause of the death
it is apparent. .. And you?
Sure, will get an expert.
Look closer, Detective Matthews.
- For what?
- Ask who wrote it.